JANET PLANET - an A24 Films release
Sep 6 thru 9
Fri to Mon 5:00pm only!
Dir. Annie Baker - 2023 - 113m
In rural Western Massachusetts, 11-year-old Lacy spends the summer of 1991 at home, enthralled by her own imagination and the attention of her mother, Janet. As the months pass, three visitors enter their orbit, all captivated by Janet and her spellbinding nature. In her solitary moments, Lacy inhabits an inner world so extraordinarily detailed that it begins to seep into the outside world. Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Annie Baker captures a child's experience of time passing, and the ineffability of a daughter falling out of love with her mother, in this singularly sublime film debut.
"An exquisite and treasurable account of a complicated mother-daughter bond." - Wendy Ide, Observer (UK)
"By far one of the best films of this summer, Janet Planet is a small miracle of a movie, carefully constructed with sensitive, specific detail." - Loren King, Newport This Week (RI)